CBSE Guide App is designed to support Students and Teachers of Central Board of Secondary Education abbreviated as CBSE. CBSE Guess having millions of pages of educational papers provided by various educational institutions, teachers and educators from India and abroad. In CBSEGuess you can download CBSE Board Papers from the archies of 50K CBSE Sample Papers, Guess Papers and Question Bank. We Database of more then 20K CBSE Tutors, Millions of CBSE Students, Teachers and Principals. Having Listing of CBSE and Non CBSE Schools with Alumni associated with schools. We also compile CBSE Academics curriculum / syllabus, CBSE Results, CBSE News, CBSE Videos for you. You can buy discounted CBSE Books by publishers like oswaal books and download free CBSE eBooks or read online. Recently We started Publishing CBSE Proficiency Test papers and Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) for Maths, Science, Socal Studies, Hindi, English, French and regional langages. We also compile various competative examination materials AIPMT, AIEEE, CA CPT, CTET, NDA, NEET, SCRA, IIT JEE.
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CBSE Panduan App dirancang untuk mendukung Siswa dan Guru Badan Pusat Pendidikan Menengah disingkat CBSE. CBSE Guess memiliki jutaan halaman kertas pendidikan disediakan oleh berbagai lembaga pendidikan, guru dan pendidik dari India dan luar negeri. Dalam CBSEGuess Anda dapat men-download CBSE Dewan Papers dari archies Makalah 50K CBSE Sample, Papers Guess dan Pertanyaan Bank. Kami Database lebih 20K CBSE Tutor, Jutaan CBSE Siswa, Guru dan Kepala. Memiliki Pencatatan CBSE dan Sekolah Non CBSE dengan Alumni terkait dengan sekolah. Kami juga mengkompilasi CBSE Akademisi kurikulum / silabus, Hasil CBSE, CBSE Berita, Video CBSE untuk Anda. Anda dapat membeli diskon CBSE Books oleh penerbit seperti buku oswaal dan download eBook CBSE gratis atau membaca online. Baru-baru ini kami mulai Penerbitan CBSE Proficiency kertas Test dan Pemecahan Masalah Assessment (PSA) untuk Matematika, Sains, Studi Socal, Hindi, Inggris, Perancis dan langages regional. Kami juga mengkompilasi berbagai bahan pemeriksaan kompetitive AIPMT, AIEEE, CA CPT, CTET, NDA, NEET, SCRA, IIT JEE.
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